About Buckaroo

Strategic payment partner since 2005

About Buckaroo

Buckaroo is a leading payment service provider, headquartered in The Netherlands. Our technology optimizes your company’s cash flow by enabling in-store and online payments. Trusted by over 30,000 corporate, medium and small business.

Payment Service Provider

What exactly does a Payment Service Provider (PSP) do? In short: a PSP processes online payments. At Buckaroo, we offer solutions for any question concerning payments. Whether it’s about an iDEAL payment in a webshop, a QR payment by smartphone or the collection of subscription fees by direct debit.

Payment methods

In order to offer our customers a wide range of payment methods, we’ve partnered up with several payment brands, of which iDEAL is the most popular. But certainly not the only one. If you decide to build an internet checkout at Buckaroo, you can choose from over 40 national and international payment methods. Such as credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, American Express), postpay (AfterPay, Klarna) and brandnew payment apps (Payconiq).


FinTech and security

Buckaroo processes payments by making use of smart payment technology. Incoming payments are linked to the appropriate outstanding amount. We are under supervision of De Nederlandsche Bank (Dutch Central Bank). Payments are forwarded through a Stichting Derden Gelden account (or through the merchant’s account). This is also the bank account number mentioned on the customers’ bank statement.


As FinTech, we always strive to offer you the best, fastest and easiest payment method. And, most importantly, the safest one. That’s the reason why we do not only invest in the latest technique, but also in our compliance team. Admittedly, we can be selective in the customers we take on, but we do so in order to combat money laundering.



Inspiring cases

The ideal payment method differs per situation, product or service. Because of our wide range of payment methods and unique features, we at Buckaroo are always able to offer you an appropriate solution. Let the following cases inspire you.

See our client cases